Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Shew it has been quite some time since I updated, but did not want you all to think that I had forgotten. Here is a pic from Charley's Crab in Hilton Head Island. We ate outside on the veranda and the kids ran back and for down the pier. It was an interesting experience to say the least but very enjoyable to watch them play.
My parents, Emma, Westin and I have gone to the beach for a few days before we start this next round of chemo with Westin. Alli and three of her friends are down here as well, but on the other side of the island. I thought we would cramp their style but they came over here yesterday and sat out with us. I am very blessed to have four wonderful children!!
I have been really struggling lately with having enough time to do all that I would like to do ... ie., my devotionals, my prayer time, Emma's school, house cleaning, appraisals, sewing, reading, blogging, etc. The biggest burden has been my prayer and devotional time. I feel really bad when I don't get that time and even feel very convicted. However, I do spend alot of my time during the day praising or praying in short bursts, but I was feeling like that was not good enough. I read a devotional yesterday morning that set my spirit free!! It was talking about praying with ceasing and that we should be about staying in constant prayer or communication with the father. The devotional went on to say that "big" massive prayers are not necessary every day. God's want a communion with us and a walk daily with us. I know this and have known this, but in this battle that we are currently undergoing I guess I felt the need to heap huge prayers at the throne twice daily. The Lord has really been convicting me lately about some rituals that I was doing about Westin's healing. Many things I was doing (in hindsite) looked like I was trying to purchase his healing. Oh, what a huge mistake!! Westin healing was purchased at calvary and I don't need to redo. My duty is to trust and believe all that God has done. Then a step further is to live as Christ would have me live. When I look around at all the people we have come into contact with down here I am more convinced that there are many hurting people.....seeking a Savior. Lord gives us a compassion to love others the way God loves us.
May God Bless you this day.

1 comment:

  1. The Lord knows the time-constraints you're facing, which is why He has placed so great a crowd of witnesses around you - literally, and in cyberspace. Like Mary, you have chosen that better part.

    God bless you and your family,
